About ProjectRoom
ProjectRoom is an innovative career planning portal to help job seekers and employers find the best working experiences.
Due to world of employment changing rapidly, our goal is to remove old CV applications and replace them with competence profiles.
Each project of users and companies is converted to a competence profile and all projects create the score profile of the users,
which helps to express their experience and talents in the best way.
By basing our job seeker – employer filtering in the competences, we provide the best job finding experience in the market.
Used Services
- Java
- Angular JS
- Google Compute Engine
Project Room

The Challenge
How can we provide best matching between users and companies in the fastest time possible?
The Solution
By removing CVs from job applications,
we have to make sure that we our large data sets of competencies
in new innovative ways.
By combining powerful Java backend
with smooth AngularJS in frontend, we can achieve
high accurate results by using our matching intelligent algorithms.

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